Little Timmy's Nightmare

Announcer: Does the stress and strain of parenting ever haunt your every hour ... waking or not? Does balancing your career and home life ever make you break out in a cold sweat? Do you dream of a better relationship with your spouse and family, only to wake up to a living hell? If you answered yes to any of these questions, it's time to bring your pillow over and cuddle up with this week's episode of Ronald and Edna. You're going to be OK -- compared to them!

Ronald: [snores]

Edna [in a businesslike whisper, on the phone]: Yeah. Yeah. No. Listen, Larry, I want it on my desk tomorrow. Well I told you about it last week. Steve turned in his paragraph yesterday. [taken aback] No, I'm not -- [pause, then an angry crescendo] listen, you vindictive son-of-a-bitch, if you make one more comment like that about Steve, I swear I'll fire you. No, that's not a threat. No, I'm just saying.

Little Timmy [running in, crying]: Daddy!

Edna [loudly, still on the phone]: Oh yeah? Well you can shove it --

Little Timmy [still crying]: Daddy, the big monsters were coming after me!

Ronald: mprh ... wha?

Edna [quickly]: I gotta go. See you tomorrow ... bright and early! [beep]

Little Timmy [still crying]: Big monsters! Trying to eat me! They had teeth and big claws! They were cutting me! It hurt!

Ronald: Timmy ... it was just a dream ... it's OK.

Timmy [still desparate]: Mommy!

Edna: Timothy, you were just having a little nightmare. But now it's over and you don't have to worry anymore. (About the nightmare, anyway!) But Daddy and I are tyring to sleep -- or rather he's trying to sleep and I'm trying to do some Very Important Last Minute Business, which is in its own way a kind of nightmare that I'm having, so if you could please just calm down and go back to bed, maybe I could get some work done around here, for a God Damn Change!

Timmy: [bawls]

Ronald: Edna, that's no way to talk to Our Own Son. Can't you see he's very upset and we need to comfort him? Or have you forgotten how to do that, Edna, have you forgotten about what it means to be a human being, and to have feelings, and not just management objectives!

Timmy: [bawls]

[phone rings]

Edna: If you'll both just excuse me for a minute, for once in your lives: [into the phone] Hello? Steve? [flustered] What are you doing calling me here? Now?

Ronald: Steve? Steve?! Oh that's just great. "Important Last Minute Business" my ass!

Edna: Larry, you don't fool me for one second! You don't even sound like Steve! And if you thought you were going to get that promotion, you can forget it! [beep]

Timmy [crying]: They had fangs and big scales and I was really scared of them!

Edna: Ronald, I do not have to just sit here -- lie here having accusations thrown at me like -- like so many rotten tomatoes when Our Own Son is in tears because of his traumatic nightmare. I really think it's time you got your priorities in order! [to Timmy] It's OK, Timothy. Those monsters were actually your friends. They were just angry with you. But now they love you again.

Ronald: Edna, you two-faced little --

Edna: Back off, Ronnie!

Little Timmy: Um, but what if my friends, they get mad again.

Edna: Well, sometimes that happens.

Little Timmy [crying]: Oh no! ... [sobs]

Ronald: Now look what you've done, Edna! He's going to be ... scarred for life, thanks to your boardroom psychology!

Edna: That's the last straw, Ronald! [dials phone]

Ronald: Who are you calling, Edna? At this hour of the night?

Edna: I'm reporting you to the Better Business Bureau! [on the phone] Hello, BBB? Yeah, get me the domestic division.

Ronald: Oh no!!!!! Oh no!!!!!!!!

[all sound stops]

Ronald: mrngaaaaaaaarghmn!

Edna [snores]

Ronald [timidly]: Edna? Edna?

Edna [groggily]: ngh ... wha?

Ronald: I just had a terrible nightmare!

Edna: What was it Ronald, look, I have to get up really early tomorrow.

Ronald: Oh ... nothing.